Reports have been made all over the city and are concentrated in a few areas, shown in red.
Report a Coyote Sighting
If you have witnessed a recent interaction with coyotes that could endanger people, please report it to the City at 311.
To report a coyote encounter or sighting
Simply click and drag the marker to the location where you saw the coyote on the map below. Just click "OK" if you get a message saying the map cannot load correctly. You can zoom in using the slider to the left, and scroll around by dragging the marker at the edge of the map. You can reposition the marker as many times as you wish before submitting. The more accurate and zoomed-in the better! We invite you to share photos of coyotes (via coyotes@ualberta.ca) along with your preference for how or if the photo should be credited.How do we use this information?
Since July 2010, over 10,000 reports have been made to our website. We are using these reports to identify hotspots of coyote activity, understand interactions with people and their pets, and compare observations of coyotes to data collected from GPS collars, remote cameras, den sites, and environmental features. We may use your photos in conference or public presentations and credit them to you. Your observations will support better coexistence with urban coyotes in future and we thank you for your assistance.